Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

Evaluation of Chapter 5

A. Multiple Choice


B. Essay

1. What is the difference between first line indent and hanging indent ?
2. How to insert a new coloumn in a table ?
3. a. What is ribbon ?
    b. Name parts of the ribbon.
4. a. How to set the spacing in a script ?
    b. Name type of scripts.
5. Explain briefly on how to make a mass letter using the mail merge facility.

1.*first line: it is to align according to preference, either letters or numbers on the first line of a word or a  
     sentence that has been blocked.
   *hanging indent: it is to align according to preference on the letter or number on the second line, third, and
     so on within a blocked sentence.
2. a. place the cursor on a table that will be inserted a column.
    b. click the layout tab, look in the Rows & Columns group.
    c. if we are to insert a column on the right side of te table, click Insert Right, whereas to insert a new
        column on the left side, click Insert Left.
3. a. ribbon is a bar that contains icons to support word processing.
    b. home, insert, page layout, reference, mailing, review, view.
4.A.a. highlight the text to be changed.
       b. click on the home tab, choose a dialog box launcher on the paragrafph group.
       c. on the paragraph dialog box, click indent and spacing.
       d. choose one of thespacing following options.
          singel   : 1 space
          1,5 Lines : 1,5 space
          Double : 2 space
          At least : the spacing is determined according to the minimum size line with the maximum size font
          Exactly : the spacing is determined equally without font adjustment
          Multiple : the spacing is determined by a percentage
       e. click ok to set spacing according to the preference.
5. To make a mass letter using the mail merge we just have to make one main document and database with
    the Mail Merge and it repeatedly according to the number of inputted database.

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